General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Only took 19 years of company Christmas dinners,...


on the fritz:
... but I finally won something.  LOL. 

Talking guns and shooting with some of the guys at work and generally having a good time and sort of ignoring the names drawn for prizes when I hear something about a Vivitar camera,... & then my name. 

It is a GoPro wanna be.  Hopefully soon I can start taking some shooting videos.  Watch out YouTube,... here I come!  :)

Congrats!!  Now you will get the bug and end up spending WAY TOO MUCH to get the real thing.  :)


on the fritz:
It's funny because I have wanted something like this for a few years but could never justify the cost. 

Well the price was right today. :)

Look forward to seeing some videos!  I never win anything at those company party's...


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