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Author Topic: Nebraska GOP units pass resolution on Commitee Chairs' Vote  (Read 719 times)

Offline NE Bull

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Nebraska GOP units pass resolution on Commitee Chairs' Vote
« on: December 08, 2014, 10:13:35 AM »
Thanks FarmerRick for the heads up.

""Resolution passed by the Douglas County Republican Party, and also by the NEGOP.


Douglas County Republican Party

Resolution to Require Public Vote of
Committee Chair-persons
Dated this 2nd day of December, 2014

WHEREAS the members of the Unicameral are elected by Nebraska voters; and

WHEREAS the citizens of Nebraska entrust their elected senators to conduct the state’s business in an open and transparent manner; and

WHEREAS under Nebraska’s unique one-house system the voters are regarded as the “second house;” and

WHEREAS George Norris, the father of the Unicameral, said, “Every act of the legislature and every act of each individual must be transacted in the spotlight of publicity;” and

WHEREAS Unicameral committee chairs are currently selected in secret; and

WHEREAS committee chairs have a significant bearing on potential legislation, and

WHEREAS secret elections prevent Nebraska voters from being able to evaluate their elected state senators on all their decisions and votes, and

WHEREAS secret election of committee chairs violates the fundamental precept of unicameralism that the citizens are the “second house;” and

WHEREAS secret election of committee chairs violates the principle of transparency in government,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Douglas County Republican Party strongly supports the open and transparent election of all Unicameral committee chairs; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Douglas County Republican Party calls upon state senators to open all future Unicameral committee chair elections to a transparent process wherein their votes are publicly disclosed and recorded.

Call, email and write to your Senators and tell them you EXPECT THEM TO HONOR THIS RESOLUTION!!  Well, at least those of you with Republican Senators...  """
“It is not an issue of being afraid, It's an issue of not being afraid to protect myself.”
 Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert
 "A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that."  Shane