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Improvements in NE gun laws I'd like to see

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--- Quote from: farmerbob on December 10, 2014, 10:16:19 AM ---It has always amazed me how many NFOA members pretend they are against gun free zones, yet they aren't willing to get rid of the law that enforces them.
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Is it because none of us is a member of the Unicameral?


--- Quote from: RLMoeller on December 10, 2014, 09:56:28 AM ---Although you are correct, I want to point out that Nebraska evaluated all states CCW requirements to determine which states we would recognize.  That process took place prior to major changes in the Iowa carry laws.  If they were to re-evaluate, Iowa would drop off the list of recognized states for the reasons you noted above.
This is another thing Nebraska should look at, I believe Nebraska should recognize all other states permits, this could help build a less restrictive atmosphere that would be more inclusive for such things as constitutional carry and national reciprocity.

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--- Quote from: mott555 on December 10, 2014, 09:30:41 AM ---The Level II CHP sounds like an interesting idea. Personally I'd rather ALL CHP's be like that, but we can't have everything we want. Additional mandatory training would make it easier to sell to the general public/legislature.

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Well I didn't mention it as an argument for more mandatory training for everyone.  I would like to see the current CHP issuance process made easier.   There are a lot of states where the issuance process is much cheaper and easier and they don't require prints of the sides of your hand, etc.  Are the streets running red with blood in those states?  No.  We in Nebraska are treated like criminals compared to other states' CWP applicants even if a farmer simply wants to keep a gun behind the seat of his pickup, or if an outdoorsman wants to carry a "kit gun" in his tackle box or backpack, or if a mother wants to put a pistol in her purse when she has to go to a 24 hour pharmacy at 1:00am when a kid is sick.

Many thousands of Nebraskans take to the fields every hunting season with only the hunter safety course they took in their teenage years (without a live-fire shooting test) and that seems to work pretty well.  Frankly I'm not sure why the two couldn't be merged and why we needed a separate bureaucracy to confirm proficiency.

--- Quote from: depserv on December 10, 2014, 09:11:43 AM ---Any kind of "level II" license for carrying in certain sensitive areas would have to be issued on a shall issue basis once certain provisions are met, such as I suppose a marksmanship test, and I don't know what else, since it's kind of hard to assess how a person will do in an emergency.  Any kind of may issue license system will be abused.  My opinion is the only license any of us should need is Article 2 of the Bill of Rights.

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Those are some good points.  Bear in mind this is not my idea.  Recall the legislature tried to pass a bill last year for teachers to carry in schools and the second day of training covered things like sheltering in place.  I kind of liked the idea because - as I stated on this forum - if you're a teacher in one of my kids classroom and there's an active shooter or any other threat to kids' safety, you have a moral duty to fight to the death.  Worrying about your own safety is not an option until every kid is safe.  What was bad about the idea is that it required the school systems' knowledge and approval.

Dan W:

--- Quote from: farmerbob on December 10, 2014, 10:16:19 AM ---It has always amazed me how many NFOA members pretend they are against gun free zones, yet they aren't willing to get rid of the law that enforces them.
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Are we just supposed to deem them gone?

History did not start the day you showed up here, rather late in the process I will note, and we have been fighting every year to remove gun free zones, for consistent signage requirements, for state wide preemption and to remove the penalties of gun fee zones and gotten no where.

Do you have some magic that will make this happen? If you do, I expect you will be at all the Legislative hearings this next year and share your wisdom with us.

At the very least you can quit blaming NFOA members for the gun free zones

Well actually I have been posting here on the no guns no money since 2010 so that's about enough of the Jonny come lately bull, may have had previous membership under LEO, that is what it was at Nebraska concealed carry site.

Not blaming NFOA members for anything!!! I've noticed from past discussion that some NFOA members seemed to be more for private property rights and gun free zones, not the elimination of them,just my observation.

The state capital is in your backyard not mine, 5 hour drive for me but I will try to make it.

Have you ever thought about decaff Dan???


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