It's been awhile since I've attended school, but I've seen people fired for expressing thought that has been forbidden by liberalism. And that was on construction jobs where a sentence is not considered complete or grammatically correct unless it has at least two expletives (or one compound expletive). The one accused was considered guilty unless proven innocent. As I understand it, this thoughtcrime enforcement came from our caring big brother in Washington; the contractors did not want to fire the ones accused of thoughtcrime but had to because of an expensive lawsuit that would follow if they didn't. What I don't know is, why can't we get those who talk about forcefully disarming civilians fired since many of us consider that offensive. And the same thing should apply in schools: if liberals can get people kicked out for expressing forbidden thought, why can't patriots get people kicked out for un-American activity like proselytizing for civilian disarmament? If safety is a criterion, a good case can be made for the danger of civilian disarmament. It looks to me like a double standard that has created a pecking order, with those who have resisted liberal indoctrination on the bottom.