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Author Topic: Red Dots and Magnifiers in Tactical division for Multigun...  (Read 1088 times)

Offline JTH

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Red Dots and Magnifiers in Tactical division for Multigun...
« on: December 17, 2014, 07:28:05 PM »
In the past, people who have gone the dot/magnifier route have had to leave the magnifier in the same position for the entire match, based on how the rule is stated (which isn't clear) and a rule explanation we got from Amidon (as DNROI) way back when.

We never liked it.  Switching the magnifier in and out without removing it from the gun seemed just like changing the magnification on a 1-4X, so it didn't make sense to us.  But we said, "Ok, them's the rules" and went with it.

Last MG match we had, one of the shooters politely disagreed with us about it, but went with our rules.  He also (as was perfectly within his rights) asked the new DNROI about it---and McManus told us that Tactical allows moving the magnifier in and out as long as everything stays mounted in the same place.  I wrote him myself (because I wanted to make sure the question had been asked correctly, which it had) and in our discussion about it, he asked why we had been ruling it the other way. When I said "Amidon said so" he just kinda let it go.  :)

The upshot is:  If you have a dot and a magnifier on a mount that allows you to switch it in and out while leaving it all mounted in the same position throughout the match, you CAN shoot that in Tactical, and switch it in and out as much as you like.  And we don't have to make a big deal about it anymore!

Big thanks to ASDGFJK WLEKH (dang it, I don't remember his name---SORRY, I'm ridiculously bad with names, and he was even on my squad and I wrote down his scores all day!) for 1) being polite in his disagreement, 2) following the rules as stated at the time, and 3) both going and checking with the people who make the rules, AND politely informing us about it without any "I told you so" attitude so that we could stop enforcing a rule we didn't really like in the first place.

Seriously, that's the way you do it.  Dude, come back and shoot with us more, because that's the kind of people we want to shoot with.
Precision Response Training