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Is Santa Republican or Democrat?

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I don't know which party Santa would be affiliated with (if either), but since he's generous with his own stuff instead of other people's stuff he's far more likely to be a conservative.  Either way, those who believe in Santa are infinitely more likely to be liberal and Democrat, since they can be led to believe that you can get something for nothing.

Obviously not a Democrat. If he was Democrat, he'd be taxing the "rich", taking their presents, and giving it all away to the unions and his buddies. He might give some to the middle class with the promise that they can keep their presents if they like them, but that would be a lie. And all his "hard work" would be financed by Monopoly money printed on a budget inkjet printer.

I have to believe that the old boy is probably not affiliated with any of the parties because of most of the reasons that Newt mentioned. 

--- Quote ---He actually delivers what he promises. He and the elves believe in hard work
--- End quote ---

Not something any political party has been good at thus far.


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