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Author Topic: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC - cancelled due to anticipated weather  (Read 2374 times)

Offline Mudnrox

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Eastern Nebraska Gun Club will be hosting the January USPSA Action Pistol match on the 4th! Come on out and test your speed and accuracy!

Important note: We are strictly enforcing our new registration policy. Anyone showing up after 8:30AM will not be allowed to shoot the match! Please show up early to help setup!
Online Pre-Registration: https://clubs.practiscore.com/enps-january-2015-match/register
Please note that you must show up prior to 8:30AM to pay and sign in with match staff even if you pre-register!

You can also now pay online using the link on http://www.easternnebraskapracticalshooters.com/schedule.html. There is a 3% additional fee added on by and paid to the credit card processor.

Match Fee is not only $15 for adults and still $5 for juniors.

Schedule Is As Follows:
  • Setup will start at 7:15AM. We appreciate any help we can get with setup. The more people we have, the faster we can get shooting!
  • Registration closes at 8:30AM but you definitely want to show up sooner if you can. We will, as always, do our best to accommodate squadding requests but your chances are exponentially better at getting those requests fulfilled if you register online or show up very early on match day!
  • Safety and New Shooter Briefing begins at 8:30AM.
  • Shooters’ Meeting starts at 9:00AM.
  • Match begins immediately following the Shooters’ Meeting.
Equipment You Will Need:
  • A handgun chambered in 9x19mm or larger.
  • A holster for your handgun. It is highly recommended you get one designed specifically for your gun and not a universal holster.
  • Extra magazines. You will have to reload on the clock. Belt-mounted magazine pouches are also a great addition as they will significantly speed up your reload time and allow you to more easily carry magazines. If you need to, you can put mags in an appropriate pocket for your division (Do NOT put magazines in a front pocket if you intend to shoot production or any other division that stipulates magazine placement! This will put you into Open!)
  • Plenty of ammunition. It never hurts to have “too much” ammo. While you may not use every round, I always recommend a couple hundred rounds (in case of necessary reshoots or "make up shots").

Not sure what division you have the equipment for [see Appendix D]? Want to get more in-depth with the rules? Read more here: http://www.uspsa.org/document_library/rules/2014/Feb%202014%20Handgun%20Rules.pdf

List of Production division approved handguns: http://www.uspsa.org/uspsa-NROI-production-gunlist.php

If you have any questions please reply to this thread or PM me! I will do what I can to help you out. :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 06:21:29 PM by Mudnrox »

Offline tstuart34

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 09:38:37 PM »
I have some questions....

Let me start out that I will not make this match but plan to make some later this year. I have a stock Glock 17 right now I have 2 belt mounted magazine carriers could be more if needed.

First what is the best class for a noob? I am thinking limited but not  sure if that's the best choice?

Second questions how many mags do I need on me during a stage on avg? I know mag capacity limits and stage design affect this answer but can we say on avg?

Offline OnTheFly

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 10:05:29 PM »
I have some questions....

Let me start out that I will not make this match but plan to make some later this year. I have a stock Glock 17 right now I have 2 belt mounted magazine carriers could be more if needed.

First what is the best class for a noob? I am thinking limited but not  sure if that's the best choice?

Second questions how many mags do I need on me during a stage on avg? I know mag capacity limits and stage design affect this answer but can we say on avg?

Production Division will limit you to 10 rounds in each magazine.  Loaded starts can have one round in the chamber.  A "Long course" of fire can be 32 rounds, so you will need 4 magazines minimum to shoot Production.  I have 7 mags on long courses because

A) I'm just THAT bad
2) There are times when you will drop a magazine with rounds still in it because it is more advantageous during the course of fire
iii) Sometimes there is a problem with a magazine and you need spares.

Limited allows you to load up your magazines to capacity (+1 in the chamber on loaded starts).  In Limited, you may be shooting against people who have spent a little bit of money on their guns & equipment since there are less restrictions on gun modifications, holster/mag pouch placement, and holster styles.  This could put you at a disadvantage.

I would say a LOT of people start in Production Division.  I believe there are more Production shooters than any other division.  My suggestion is to start in Production unless you don't have the magazines or magazine pouches needed, then try Limited.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 10:08:49 PM by OnTheFly »
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Offline Mudnrox

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2014, 10:27:47 PM »
Best division to start in is a hard question to answer
Production generally has the most shooters, but has little modification of the pistol, and is stricter on placement of the holster and magazines.
Limited has less reloading, but as Fly said, there are some equipment differences that could be a disadvantage starting out.
Limited can use magwells and magazine extensions, and is more lenient on placement of the holster and magazines.

Stage designs are limited to 32 required rounds (but occasionally there can be more).

If you only have 2 magazine carriers, for limited, load up 4 magazines to capacity (17). Start with 2 in the pouches for easier reloading and put 1 or 2 in your pocket in case they are needed. If you try production, magazines are limited to 10 rounds and only use pockets that are behind your hip bones.

You could always try a division for a match and then change if you want for the next match.

Stop out and watch a match. Feel free to ask questions. Most competitors would be eager to answer questions.

Offline JTH

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2014, 10:32:39 PM »
I have a stock Glock 17 right now I have 2 belt mounted magazine carriers could be more if needed.

First what is the best class for a noob? I am thinking limited but not  sure if that's the best choice?

As Fly said, "best" is really relative.  (And it is "division" not class, just to get you used to the terminology.  "Class" means something else in USPSA.  :)  )

I'd suggest either Production or Limited (shooting Minor) for your first match.  Doesn't mean you have to stay in that division, but either would be perfectly fine.

As was said, in Production you are limited to only 10 rounds in a mag after the start signal.  As such, most Production shooters carry at least four mags in pouches in addition to the mag that starts in their gun.  (Some, like me, carry more.)

If you shot Limited Minor, you could run every stage with only 3 magazines, because you could load them up completely.  For your first match, that might be an idea, simply because while you'd still have to reload on the clock, you wouldn't have to do it SO OFTEN, and so you could spend more of your time thinking about shooting and safely navigating the course of fire.  Once you got used to it, switching over to Production could happen.

Second questions how many mags do I need on me during a stage on avg? I know mag capacity limits and stage design affect this answer but can we say on avg?

Max round count per stage is 32.  (Well, technically it could be more, but in general, you won't see any over 32.)   As such--in Limited, most people run the stage with two mags.  In Production, normally 4.

No matter what, you generally want sufficient mag pouches to hold all mags.

Seriously, for most people a good place to start is Limited Minor.  Less restrictions on holster type and placement, less need for extra magazines and pouches plus fewer restrictions on placement, and you can load up your magazines.

After a match (or two, or more---maybe you'll like Limited!) then you can think about what division most closely matches your equipment, and how you want to shoot matches.

....I see that Mud has already written about this too, so you don't really need me saying the same thing again, but since I've already typed it, I'll post it.  :)
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Offline tstuart34

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2014, 03:52:47 PM »
Thanks guys you all connected some dots in my head from all the reading I have been doing.

I am practicing reloads but I fumble a lot! I realized Limited DIVISION  :laugh: has fewer restrictions that could put me behind but I really like the idea of of being able to load up my mags and focus on being safe and hitting points. I am no way trying to come out and win anything. Hell my goal for my first match is to make it through and maybe be second from last. This is more about having some fun and getting into a new sport that I enjoy.

So I think I have decided to run Limited minor for now. So now I am thinking why not go out and buy some extended mag bases. :P Since I know I'm going to miss and if I can have a few extra rounds in the mag to make up for that and save a reload. If i get 140mm spec mag bases these could also be used in multi-gun correct?

As far as mag carriers I roll my own so I will probably fire up the Kydex press and order a couple more tekloks so I am prepared for what you guys throw out! 

Anything else I need to know about Limited? ???

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2014, 04:07:14 PM »
Hell my goal for my first match is to make it through and maybe be second from last.

Please do not encroach upon my match territory.  I've worked so hard so long to get there.

Thank You.................

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2014, 04:30:04 PM »
Please do not encroach upon my match territory.  I've worked so hard so long to get there.

Thank You.................


I'm sure I will do my part to miss. You do your part and hit some targets and you should still beat me!

Offline JTH

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2014, 05:21:56 PM »
Hell my goal for my first match is to make it through and maybe be second from last. This is more about having some fun and getting into a new sport that I enjoy.
That is COMPLETELY the way to do it.  Excellent!

So I think I have decided to run Limited minor for now. So now I am thinking why not go out and buy some extended mag bases. :P Since I know I'm going to miss and if I can have a few extra rounds in the mag to make up for that and save a reload. If i get 140mm spec mag bases these could also be used in multi-gun correct?
Yes----but before you go spending too much money, you might just shoot a match first....  :)  After that, you'll have a better idea what gear you need or want.

(Because once you get hooked on USPSA, you are either going to buy a .40 for Limited, or switch over to Production.  In Production, the base pads aren't legal.  Though most 9mm basepads do work for most .40 mags, too, so if you stay in Limited they'll work.....)

If you ARE buying basepads (which I get---I own basepads for a rifle I don't have yet, for a division where those basepads don't actually make any difference!) I strongly suggest the Taran Tactical pads.  Arredondo ones are fine, too, and there are others that work---but Taran's stuff really is the best.



Anything else I need to know about Limited? ???
  • It's a lot easier and faster to draw from a kydex OWB holster (preferably with a drop/offset) than it is leather.  Race holsters are even faster.
  • Make sure the holster is securely on the belt, and that it completely covers the trigger guard of the gun.
  • Even with fully-loaded mags, always add the +1 in the chamber, because you never know when you are going to need it. 
  • Wild, fast, uncontrolled firing is fun until you have to score the targets.
  • Shooting one-for-one on steel is the best way to go, even if you have to slow down a bit to do it.
  • Safely keeping the muzzle pointed downrange through the entire stage of fire (including during movement and reloads, in particular reloading-while-moving) while never sweeping yourself is one of the best ways to have an completely fun match without issues.
  • The other thing is to keep your finger visibly outside of the trigger guard unless you are actively engaging targets.  So, while loading, reloading, or unloading, or while moving (unless shooting on the move) the finger should be not only off the trigger, but visibly outside the trigger guard.
...you'll have a good time.  :)
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Offline Mudnrox

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The January USPSA match has been cancelled due to anticipated dangerous weather conditions. We'll look into the possibility of a makeup date later in the year.

Offline JTH

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Re: USPSA Match January 4, 2015 at ENGC - cancelled due to anticipated weather
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2015, 06:59:16 PM »
The January USPSA match has been cancelled due to anticipated dangerous weather conditions. We'll look into the possibility of a makeup date later in the year.

...on the other hand, with -20 degree wind chill for pretty much the entire day, that's probably a really good call.  [sigh]

Well---more time for dryfire practice before the Steel Challenge match on the 18th!
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