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" I carry a gun every day"

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Good article.

I like point 10 in the article especially.

The more you know the more you realize you don't know.

Sadly, there were tow other articles in the Gazette that were quite anti-gun.

However, both seemed to be based not on a bias against guns but against gun violence. Ok, the first was both. But both do not seem to understand that the gun I carry is there BECAUSE there are people in this world who are determined to hurt others without cause.  I carry because me and mine just want to be left alone to live our lives and not harm anyone else.  Why have we been painted with a broad brush in the color of "gun nut"? 
Aren't we the same people who would long ago stop and help some one on the side of the road because they needed help?
Aren't we the same people who are willing to lend a hand to a neighbor?

But carrying a gun to protect my family from those who would rather use force to take what is not theirs marks me as a pariah and a danger to others.

Remember when the police were respected and people sat on their porches and chatted with the neighbors instead of holing up inside with the TV?

Sorry, the first article you posted was a great article and the second two I posted just got under my skin.


--- Quote from: Mali on January 11, 2015, 07:01:42 PM ---But carrying a gun to protect my family from those who would rather use force to take what is not theirs marks me as a pariah and a danger to others.
--- End quote ---

To me: you are someone that doesn't expect some other innocents to protect you from the predators that society is unable to eliminate. To think that some social entity will somehow be there to prevent your encounter with human pedators is a dream. The social entity (law enforcement) is not obligated to provide your safety.  Much as society wants to take control of your protection it has proved that it can not. It is social responsibility to protect yourself and send the message to pedators that they will suffer at their attempts.
People need to realize that the "Right to life" is not guaranteed by other people and is individual responsibility.


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