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Reducing/repealing the NFA?
i am all for it, but it will never happen. too many stereotypes and stigmas attached to NFA firearms.
I think the best we can hope for in any reasonable amount of time is to have suppressors removed. I don't see it happening though.
In its first bout at the Supreme Court it should have been ruled unconstitutional then. But for bad luck the defendant's attorney could not attend the final hearing. But then everyone thought it would be a slam dunk anyway.
Seeing as how the SCOTUS found in that case, arms of a nature common to military service should not be restricted, I don't see how it still stands. (Even though I think it doesn't matter what arms you are dealing with, the 2nd says nothing about military arms or hunting arms or knives or any class or design of "arm", taking it to mean ALL ARMS, but I digress)
The NFA was only a way to find work for the treasury guys laid off after the repeal of prohibition.
It has long since proved itself ineffective, unnecessary and burdensome. It is simply an example of one of the taxes we fought a war over at one time.
ATF should be a convenience store, not a government agency.
But the chance of any congress having the testicular fortitude to rid the nation of either ATF or NFA is remote. But it is worth a try.
Sissy boy has set a precedent, and if we ever get a real man for President again... there I go fantasizing again.
As I understand it, the concept of controling certain firearms came about from the crime of the time. The $200 fine was significant at the time to deter enthusiasts. These days $200 is not considered a huge obstacle...although the entire process is likely very costly. My concern is that someone might try to make an inflation adjustment...making the "fine" very high and potentially add in other limitations (like "able to accept").
With the current social media availability, it could be possible to pull together a large enough force to push a positive result. But first that force would have to first be pulled together. The large three letter groups don't always seem to be in the best interest of gun owners at times.
The head shaking above demonstrates that it is not ready.
How do we create a solution?...has to start somewhere (better than already created).
--- Quote from: bkoenig on January 09, 2015, 06:47:26 PM ---I think the best we can hope for in any reasonable amount of time is to have suppressors removed.
--- End quote ---
Agreed, if we were to start anywhere this would be it.
I was researching suppressors as I've never used one before and couldn't believe what I found. I was aware of the NFA tax stamps, but the wait times are ridiculous. Not to mention if you travel interstate. For most NFA items you have to ask the ATF permission to leave state with the item, and you have to give them the address of where you're going. Apparently this is not required for suppressors, but it's recommended to do it anyway in case you're stopped because most LEO's don't realize suppressors are exempt.
The only word I can think of to describe all that is infringement.
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