General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

I hear the crickets chirping around here.

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I'm still trying to dig out of the hole I dug myself into with the last few purchases that got me into the dog house and a couple of toys into the gun safe. So I was working on a bathroom project this morning followed by some "fun with fire" and then back into the bathroom to be seriously depressed by the "Game" and then finally sat down to watch the race.  :P

Nice work, Dan, and Welcome to Nick when he shows up, thanks for your service.

Great job Dan!  On a sad not I just argued with a co-worker the other day about the health care crap.  This person did not think that service men and woman should have health care taxpayer paid. :o  Oh, my!  He thinks a drugged out person on welfare should have it.  He said why should service people and not everyone?  I said they earned it!  They put their lives on the line to protect this country and them! >:(  You ungreatful bast***** then I had to walk away! >:(

"What has everyone been doing? Awful quiet around here today."

Yesterday?  Typical Saturday- 3 kiddoes had soccer games..... we had one at a sleepover elsewhere and 2 extras sleeping at our house..... pumpkin patch visit, cookout and hayrack ride...... ( did manage to skip the punkin patch, and shoot up a couple hundred rounds of .22lr!) ...... moved in a new washing machine for an elderly couple..... just the normal noises .....

I had some clients from Texas show up on Saturday.  Went out to dinner with them Saturday night and shot Sporting Clays with them on Sunday.


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