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I hear the crickets chirping around here.

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If you have to cross a river or stream to get home, do it quick. The teers of all the Husker fans will be swelling the creeks. :'(

Still talking National Championship? >:D

Dan W:
OK, I' gonna to tell a  pay it forward story...

Today I was visiting a few local gun shops trying to spread the word, (and trying to find a steal in a .22LR) when I overheard a young man asking about stripper clips. He was obviously in the service (turned out to be Army), had his little girl in tow. She looked to be around 8.

Well, anyway the clerk found a few strippers wrapped in a rubber band, and the price was unclear, so the whole staff got together and decided they wanted $1 each for the clips.

My eyes just about rolled outta my head... ::) 

So, in a quiet moment I said to the man (Nick was his name) "I have some stripper clips you can have". He gave me a real weird look (musta thought I was pretty strange or a serial killer), then declined, mentioned ordering online, and I said again,
"I live pretty close to here. If you want some strippers, just follow me home, and you can have them"  I got the feeling he was pretty skeptical, but he gave me a nod, and we drove to my place.

Nick looked pretty happy when I handed him a hundred or so clips and cardboards, and then I told him the only thing I wanted in return was for him to get signed up with the NFOA, and I handed him a flyer and thanked him for his service.

Nick, I hope you are here to read this for yourself soon,

Thanks for making my day

Good job Dan. When I give something away at a gun show, people look at me like I have alterior motives.

$1 for a stripper clip? :o


--- Quote from: LitlRat on October 17, 2009, 08:25:14 PM ---If you have to cross a river or stream to get home, do it quick. The teers of all the Husker fans will be swelling the creeks. :'(

Still talking National Championship? >:D

--- End quote ---

Smart A!S..
FYI......National title is in few years

Mike M.:
Dan wins this one. Hope you also thanked him for his service.


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