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Repeal Gun Free Zones!!!



This bill would save lives!

Should have been repealed a long time ago.  As the article says Obama can be counted on to veto it, but it would still put Congressmen and Senators on record one way or the other, and that could be useful in the next election.  And it might help make gun control a bigger part of the debate, in both the primaries and the general.  It pisses me off that the Republicans don't make gun control a bigger part of the debate than they do, and then end up nominating one anti-gun bigot after another.  Things like this might help keep another RINO like Bush from getting nominated.


--- Quote from: depserv on January 19, 2015, 11:00:03 AM ---Should have been repealed a long time ago. 
--- End quote ---

The oath required by all elected Congressmen (and local politicians as well) states " I, _____, promise to PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution of the United States AGAINST ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, and that I take this OBLIGATION willingly, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion..."

"Shall not be abridged" means exactly that.  ANY and EVERY member of the Congress or the Senate who voted to INFRINGE the 2nd Amendment (or the 1st or any of the rest) should have been impeached, recalled, or charged with treason because if they had mental reservations or purposely evaded their OBLIGATION then they are domestic enemies, and should be treated as such.

I agree with all that.  I think they belong in jail.  What sense is there in having a law if it doesn't have to be obeyed?

How about an Amendment that says this:
Interpretation of the Constitution shall be based in the original intent of its authors.  Anyone attempting to base interpretation on any other criterion when writing or enforcing law, or attempting to violate Constitutional law, shall be sentenced to not less than ten years in a federal prison, and shall not be allowed to serve in any government office for the remainder of his life.

There might need to be another amendment spelling out certain restrictions on the 2nd Amendment that are reasonable and necessary, like for nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.  Just keep anti-gun bigots out of it because they have proven that they are not interested in reasonableness, and will use any lie to infringe on the right to the greatest extent they can.  Patriot groups like the NRA can come up with realistic limits. 


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