Ammunition & Hand Loading > Cartridge and Shotshell reloading

reloading question

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I load 9mm.  So far all I've loaded is plated or jacketed projectiles.  What would be different in loading lead bullets.  I load on the light end of the specs. 
Thanks in advance for your input.

The process is the same as jacket and plated. Plated is very close to plain lead. Plain lead is generally .001" larger in OD. Obviously the load depends on bullet weight and simply following a reloading guide and working up in the range of powder choice is required (same as jacket and plated).

Are you planning on casting your own or manufactured bullets?


 sometimes you get little peels of lead that clog up your seating die, be sure to check for that, it will change your seating depth


--- Quote from: abbafandr on January 11, 2015, 06:11:35 PM ---Manufactured
--- End quote ---

As in nearly any bullets, the manufacturer usually has reloading data. However, most reloading data has a "lead" version of bullet grain to start/never exceed with various powders. Often a case of having a lot of manuals or doing some internet research (which should be double checked...for error).


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