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This week I gave my daughter to the USMC

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Seen on a fellow at a 24 Hour Fitness Center: "The Marine Corps is a Department of the Navy: The Men's Department"


--- Quote from: Greybeard on January 28, 2015, 09:14:27 AM ---Seen on a fellow at a 24 Hour Fitness Center: "The Marine Corps is a Department of the Navy: The Men's Department"

--- End quote ---

I love it!


A funny image someone posted on one of the USMC parent therapy Facebook pages.


Dan W:

--- Quote from: OnTheFly on January 27, 2015, 11:09:12 PM ---All women are the same xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

--- End quote ---

Out of bounds in mixed company, so dial it back a bit or I will have to act


--- Quote from: Dan W on January 28, 2015, 06:59:54 PM ---
Out of bounds in mixed company, so dial it back a bit or I will have to act

--- End quote ---

Roger that.



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