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Operation Vigilant Eagle. a war against vets?


   I have read several stories on this, At first I thought it was something from Alex Jones, but now, from so many different sources. it seems the govnt is trying to sort out anyone who has evil THOUGHTS about them,

   Has anyone been past the new national guard complex in mead? the fenced in 3 square miles, 6 ft fence with barbed wire, I know its really a strange thought, but it sure looks like what a Stalag might look like


--- Quote ---In the Soviet Union, a systematic political abuse of psychiatry took place and was based on the interpretation of political dissent as a psychiatric problem. It was called "psychopathological mechanisms" of dissent
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From the Rutherford article the "psychological illness" the government has "defined" is called OOD.

--- Quote ---One particularly troubling mental health label being applied to veterans and others who challenge the status quo is “oppositional defiance disorder” (ODD). As journalist Anthony Martin explains, an ODD diagnosis

“denotes that the person exhibits ‘symptoms’ such as the questioning of authority, the refusal to follow directions, stubbornness, the unwillingness to go along with the crowd, and the practice of disobeying or ignoring orders. Persons may also receive such a label if they are considered free thinkers, nonconformists, or individuals who are suspicious of large, centralized government… At one time the accepted protocol among mental health professionals was to reserve the diagnosis of oppositional defiance disorder for children or adolescents who exhibited uncontrollable defiance toward their parents and teachers.”

The case of 26-year-old decorated Marine Brandon Raub—who was targeted because of his Facebook posts, interrogated by government agents about his views on government corruption, arrested with no warning, labeled mentally ill for subscribing to so-called “conspiratorial” views about the government, detained against his will in a psych ward for standing by his views, and isolated from his family, friends and attorneys—is a prime example of the government’s war on veterans.
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  The "unwillingness to go along with the crowd" part really got to me,

Well, liberalism IS a mental disease.  And they will stop at nothing to prove it isn't.  Including locking up or persecuting anyone and everyone who disagrees.

History 101.


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