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AdvancedSystemCare8: Worth Using??

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--- Quote ---For safeties  sake never click on an uncalled for pop up...I always kill the pop up and if I think I want to investigate further, do my own search for the product

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Yeah, we're pretty much of the same mind on that one.

I saw the pop-up and backed out.   Did the research.   Saw that the comments on ASC8 weren't too awful.   Decided to go to the Forum.

Just haven't killed it yet.  I wuz leaning in the direction of using it; leaning otherwise, just now.

Waiting for GGs and unfy's inputs, I guess.   


I am the go-to for the extended family for this stuff (I am an IT consultant with 20+ years in the industry) and I use Eset for my full-time A/V and Firewall solution and a paid copy of MWB as my malware protection.  I hate paying for the products, but there are certain things I just don't go cheap on. I will pay for my OS, A/V, Firewalls, malware protection, and tools that I use on a daily basis in my work.  I would highly suggest budgeting for those items, unless you are a *nix user then don't worry about that one.  ;)

If this product was brought to your attention through a Pop-Up ad on a webpage and not an ad on the page itself then I have to question the validity of the product and especially the manufacturer.  Even if it is a good product now the fact that they are willing to use a questionable practice like pop-up ads leads me to believe that they may be willing to go down darker roads in the future.

In my experience, getting a virus or malware infection and cleaning it will cost your more in time and effort than the price of the software to prevent it.  Well, that and being selective about where you go on the Internet.   :laugh:


--- Quote ---I am the go-to for the extended family for this stuff (I am an IT consultant with 20+ years in the industry)
--- End quote ---

Well, I may want to adopt you so that we would have a readily available qualified IT Tekkie in the sfg family.  (Or.... I do have one remaining unmarried daughter.) 

Anyhow, this ASC8 pop-up thing came about because my computer received a message from an organization named IObit Information Technology that a new update for the Start Menu was available.   Now....If I happen to have anything on the computer that already works at all, I will use it just about forever and a day before taking on anything new that might corrupt the system.

However, in this case ASC8 seemed to have a number of desirable features that might be useful.   After my last experience w/a highjacked computer and the Absolutely Breathless Performance of MalwareBytes in freeing it up, it seemed a little help in reserve might be a good idea.

Like DanW said, though, best to back out and check out independently first and on your own initiative.

Bottom Line:  I'm going to pass on ASC8 for the moment.  Using Norton right now.  And McAfee.   If glitches happen, I'll gladly purchase MalwareBytes on the spot.

One Last Item:
It's kinda hard to fathom that certain folks are out there in cyberland who have the skills, time, and sinister aspect to sit around and figure out ways to mess with other folks computer systems.   Often at no personal profit whatsoever, except the malicious joy of messing others up.   The Germans have a word for it:  schadenfreude.

Go Figger.


2 other nice Freeware tools to keep around are




Spybot is a free-"begware" Malware program  ("it works some of the time just not as good as MalwareBytes")   

HiJackThis will tell you and others you want to help you just what the hell is currently loaded and running on your system.
It will create a .txt file of your what your system is loading and running that you can send to others as well.
It will also allow you to manually remove any of the startup-load programs if finds too.
(Be careful with this option if you don't know what your removing)

Some of the MS Sysinternal utilities are nice too have too like Tcpview and Usbview.


--- Quote ---(Be careful with this option if you don't know what your removing)
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Amen, I Say Unto You...............Amen!



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