LOW LIGHT VEHICLE CQB April 25-26 8AM-10PM..or later.
We hosted this class in October and it kicked so much ass that we are doing it again in 2015. This course will fill, so If your interested register early.
https://88tactical.com/categories/25-special-event/courses/56-low-light-vehicle-cqb-2-day/SummaryPrepare yourself for this fast paced course centered around fighting in and around vehicles. This course will allow you to develop skills needed to fight near a vehicle and using different lighting conditions. Using a handgun you will take your fighting skills to a new level.
Course DetailsLow Light Vehicle CQB is an accelerated shooting class focused on positional shooting and critical light manipulations in and around vehicles. Students will push the boundaries of “traditional” cover and concealment utilizing various cars and trucks in a true 3D environment. Drills will incorporate adverse shooting platforms with critical weapon employment while engaging threats in, around, from, over and under vehicles. Lighting principles and threat assessment all play a major factor in this course. Live ballistic demos with a variety of ammunition will be conducted as the class explores ballistic deflection, deformation, penetration and terminal effect in direct correlation to various vehicle mediums. This course will have long days and one night shoot, so please be prepared.
Guest Instructors - William Petty & Steve FisherWilliam Petty Officer William Petty began his Law Enforcement career in 2003 in Albuquerque, NM. While there he served as a Firearms and Tactics Instructor, an Emergency Response Team member, and on the department shooting team. In 2011, Petty relocated to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates where he worked as a Counter Terrorism Instructor with the Critical National Infrastructure Authority. Currently, Petty is assigned to patrol and serves as his department’s Range Master/Instructor. He also works as an active TTPOA Instructor, Firearms / Defensive Tactics and Patrol instructor for the Criminal Justice Training Center’s Basic Police Academies and In-Service training courses.Steve FisherSteve currently serves as a reserve officer with an agency in the southern United States as a firearms trainer for SWAT and patrol divisions.
Steve’s career as a trainer started in the 90’s, first at NTFT and then later as the owner and lead trainer of MDFI, both Michigan based companies. He was responsible for the development of new programs and tactics for several local departments and new training curriculum’s based on low light, home defense and the use of the carbine, handgun and shotgun in various roles.
Steve is active in 2-Gun and 3-Gun competition on the local level, as well as in other competitive disciplines. Steve has been featured in SWAT Magazine and has written for both SWAT Magazine and Surefire Combat Tactics.
Over the years Steve has participated in numerous training programs from notable instructors in the industry as well as many local level schools, and stays active on both sides of the training industry. He is also an avid hunter and has a history in the outdoor/hunting television community as both a hunter and cameraman.Course TopicsAdverse positional shooting techniques
Critical weapon employment in compressed environments
Accelerated lighting principles
Vehicle ballistics
Movement with multiple threat engagement
Required EquipmentHandgun with 3 magazines, quality holster / mag pouch, eye and ear protection
800 rounds handgun
Quality Flashlight and extra batteries
2 Chemlights
Gloves, long sleeved shirts are required, knee pads are optional
Pen and pad for note taking, water and snacks
Course LogisticsThis course will be held over a 2-day period at our Tekamah Location.
Required EligibilityThis is not an entry-level course, prior handgun training/ skills is required. This course is open enrollment.
Location88 Tactical Training HQ
2750 County Road Gh
Tekamah, NE 68061