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Male effectiveness in fights...

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I think a lot of us who have studied self defense have some understanding that we might not do as well in a real fight as we like to think we would.  My response is to be sure I never get in a fight unless there is no reasonable alternative; that way if I lose I won't be any worse off than if I had not made the decision to fight.  And even if any of us might be 4000 times BETTER than we thought we might be, avoiding the fight still keeps us out of jail and avoids lawsuits and unintended consequences like innocent third parties getting hurt.  So to me, while there might be some humor in the article (which I have to admit I failed to see; call me naïve), it doesn't really provide any useful insight, because we already know better than to get into a fight unless there is no reasonable alternative.  At least most of us do, and those who don't aren't likely to change their minds because of this article. 

Going too far in avoiding a fight can lead to a greater problem than overestimating ones ability to fight.  For example, if someone tries to take control of you, as with forcing you into a car for example, you can avoid a fight by going along with them and doing what they tell you to do, because who knows, they might not hurt you, and if you're convinced that your ability to fight back against an aggressor is only a miniscule fraction of what you think it is, it makes more sense to make the decision to do that, or at least it might make more sense, because why fight back if it's a virtual certainty that you will fail?  So to me, trying to convince people that they are powerless to fight back against aggression does a disservice.  It might be argued that that was not the point to this piece, but it was what I got out of it.  And I don't agree with their ridiculously high number either.  But like I said it doesn't matter to me, because I'll avoid a fight whenever I can anyway.  I've walked away from fights I was sure I could have won, and at my age now I'm even more likely to do that.


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