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ATF to reclassify armor piercing ammo

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--- Quote from: Phantom on March 06, 2015, 03:06:15 PM ---There might be a new Wrinkle on this too ... check this out.
(as reported today on Cam & Co NRAnews )

--- End quote ---

Yes the ban is already in place, the comment period is so people can voice their opinion about how it is to take effect.  The ATF went around normal procedure to do this and unless a new Attorney General over rules it (they have the ability to create exemptions) or Congress ends the ban on "Cop Killer" (remember the debates from back in the 90's) this will stand.


--- Quote from: Phantom on March 06, 2015, 03:06:15 PM ---There might be a new Wrinkle on this too ... check this out.
(as reported today on Cam & Co NRAnews )

--- End quote ---

I've seen that article several times today in various places.  Trek Tech Black reported that the ban was already in place back on February 16th.  This is old news.

Yes, it's already happened.  More to follow is my guess.  I think I'm through emailing, calling or writing reps in D.C. as I don't believe they can or have the will to truly do anything about it.  The enforcers answer to no one but their appointed dept. chiefs and they answer only to the current administration who have made it plain they answer to no one. 

If you want an effective letter-writing campaign, gather the names of govt. agents in your local branch offices and bombard them individually.  As I see it, these are the people you need to win over and/or influence.  The boots you may feel pressing down upon your individual rights and freedoms will not be those of Obama or Holder, but a long line of  unremarked agents who hide behind the notion of just doing what their told.  In some ways they are more dangerous to our rights than the sycophants and true believers as they may know what they are being ordered to do is wrong yet follow them anyway.  Not to try to make some sort of dramatic comparisons, but historically speaking, almost all of the atrocities and injustices of dictatorships are carried out by "Average Joes" with no greater vision than the next paycheck.  Scary , huh?

So in the mean time, lawsuits will be filed, judgments rendered, appeals filed and reviewed.  I can't help but feel though that the motivations which led to the issuing of the many questionable at best executive orders and rule changes, hold more weight to this administration than the legal processes they were intended to get around in the first place.  I'm not giving up on what I believe, but being repeatedly out-flanked would seem to call for a review of tactics. 


--- Quote from: 66bigblock on March 06, 2015, 04:00:13 PM ---interesting article for sure.

So, what does this do to a person that is in possession of green tip once the atf makes it official that it is banned?


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Shoot it or hoard it. From the ATF:

"ATF recognizes that this ammunition is widely available to the public. Because it is legally permissible to possess armor piercing ammunition under current law, withdrawing the exemption will not place individuals in criminal possession of armor piercing ammunition."

Patriots should make this illegal edict part of the next Presidential election, and it should be part of the debate among Republicans during the nomination process.  The last few cycles the Republicans made it a point to keep gun control out of the debate, and Obama was more than happy to go along with that.  The result was anti-gun Republican nominees, even though gun control is unpopular among rank and file Republicans.  In fact even both Bushes were anti-gun, though less so than Obama and Clinton.

A Republican President who is a loyal American can and will overturn this illegal edict more or less immediately on assuming his office.  The question is, can we get the Republicans to nominate a loyal American.  Toward that end, it is up to us to make gun control a part of the upcoming political debate, because if we don't, the establishment politicians won't either.


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