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Looks like I am done on Facebook

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Its seems Facebook has "updated" something and is no longer going to allow usernames, well they will as long as the "username" looks like a "real name"

For years and years all you heard about internet safety was " Don't use your real name or location" 

Apparently its OK for stalkers and other assorted nutjobs to find you on "facebook"

Anyway. seems I am done, unless I opt to use  "real looking" name

Ernie Chambers is a real name you could use.  ;D


--- Quote from: feralcatkillr on February 23, 2015, 06:57:12 PM ---Ernie Chambers is a real name you could use.  ;D

--- End quote ---

Umm uh yea, I dunno bout dat

Just make something up. Joe Johnson is a basic name.

Lester Flatts

Actual facebook sign up captcha image ....


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