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Looks like I am done on Facebook

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idontwanna givemyname


Dan W:
Amgonna Kickbooty


--- Quote from: newfalguy101 on February 23, 2015, 07:15:15 PM ---Umm uh yea, I dunno bout dat

--- End quote ---

Think how fun it would be to have Ernie "like" the NFOA.

Just call me Levi, Levi Manama Lone   :P :P :P :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

IMHO, Facebook isn't a safe site and its owner is too controlling and limits speech and activities he disagrees with.  Other businesses are not allowed to do that (If they are not politically correct).  I cancelled my account about 3 or 4 years ago.   If you do cancel your account you'll have to be careful that you don't inadvertently click a blue FB button on ANY site or FB will automatically re-activate your account.  BTW, any photos or post you made to FB, even though you deleted them, are not really deleted and FB owns all rights to them for any use they wish.  G+ has the same policy.  It's NOT a good idea to post family photos, birthdays, or other personal info.  Especially your address or phone number, and certainly don't brag about future trips, and the dates, you'll be taking.


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