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Weapons Throughout Time Exhibit (Morrill Hall, Lincoln)

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Looks like a little fairy had time to post a comment:

--- Quote ---Oh those lovely times when every weapon needit a real man to handle it!
--- End quote ---

Evidently spelling is not high on a pacifist's agenda.

We could use friends wherever we can find them, I don't have a problem with listing it as long as it does not have an anti-gun, anti-weapon message. There may be a small amount of staff at UNL who are actually pro-gun, and we should not shun them just because they work there. It is educational, and that is what the NFOA is all about.

I as a member have kind of mixed feeling on this, I am all for education, however if we would promote this by putting it on a calander, and it turns out to be in any way anti, then we would be shooting ourselves in the foot so to speak. I personally, have  heartburn with educational institutions posting all of those magic signs all over, basically preventing a law abiding individual from taking responsiblity for their personal safety. Granted most of this is legislative and federal hoopola, but as a person that works at one of these bastions of education, it kind of rubs me the wrong way. Now if that institution(s) would publicly state that "They assume full responsibility for my safety and the safety of each person on the campus and will assume any and all liability, then I would offer my blessing. till then, I better keep the Tums handy.. Just my 2 cents.

ya, rat i read that comment and i agree.

i don't really care if we post it on our calendar, i was posting it here to see if anyone else wanted to go.  im going to see what its all about.

I want to know if they have firearms there, UNL lobbied to have colleges banned from being able to have guns.  Exceptions were made for police, ROTC and rifle teems that?s all, museums do not have an exemption.

I'm very hesitant about posting it, since UNL is not exactly pro-gun.  We definitely need to have a member evaluate it first.


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