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jthhapkido and Pincus

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Dan W:
Does Pincus go by Rob....or instructor Bob?

"I have no knowledge of the production of the OP." - L. Lerner, IRS


--- Quote from: OnTheFly on February 26, 2015, 03:14:57 PM ---If you don't know, jthhapkido has a very special place in his heart for Rob Pincus.  Though that part of his heart is cold and dead.  I just noticed today the incredible likeness since jthhapkido decided to go all Mr. Clean.

Coincidence?  I think not.  We often emulate those we hold in high regard.  Just say'n.  ;D


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Fly hits below the belt and with gloves off :o


--- Quote from: bkoenig on February 26, 2015, 05:56:56 PM ---As a proud bald guy I move we kick Pincus out of the bald club and force him to wear a wig.  Do I have a second?

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If you are going to kick Pincus out of the club, make him get a beard comb over.



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