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(Wo)Man Cave/Workshop Thread


Let's share our (wo)man cave/indoor workshop/reloading bench setups.  Perhaps one of us will inspire another with an idea.

Here's mine - in the process of being re-done.

The workbench and cabinets are from Sam's Club. The brand is Ultrad HD. They are available elsewhere but Sam's price was better than anywhere else.

The desk I've had for years.  I think I bought it at Office Depot.

The shelving came from Home Depot - from their "commercial" line.

I'll play.

The man cave.

Work bench was left by prior home owner.  Had to add a few screws to tighten things up and stop some wobble, but it is pretty sturdy now.  Dillon XL650 with case feeder.

Wet station with sonic cleaner, utility sink, and convection oven for drying brass.

Shelving from Menards.

All I need is a toilet, shower, bed, TV, refrigerator, and an exterior exit so I can circumnavigate the SWMBO and I'm all set.


I love threads like this....

Only pic I got right now.

wow.  you guys are some awesome setups.  mine is really trashy looking since there's no room in my little corner of the house.  not sure if ill post a pic of my room, OPSEC and all...


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