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Omaha City Council ALERT! (CCW Related)

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This is on the agenda for tomorrows Omaha City Council meeting.

Res. that at the request of the Administration, the legislative package of the City of Omaha for the Second Session of the One-Hundred and First Legislature of the State of Nebraska shall include a proposal to make a first offense violation of the concealed carry law a felony ? see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY ? CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY))

Text of proposal of law change:

And so it begins.... :angry9:

Mike M.:
Maybe I missed something here. But isnt this just a proposal that could or will be sent to Lincoln for debate there? If so its time once again to contact our reps down there and also the ones in Omaha.


--- Quote from: mtncrash1 on November 02, 2009, 06:17:04 PM ---Maybe I missed something here. But isnt this just a proposal that could or will be sent to Lincoln for debate there? If so its time once again to contact our reps down there and also the ones in Omaha.

--- End quote ---

I talked to Huskergun a bit ago, he and I both think that the Mayors Against Illegal Guns could be behind the idea as it is recommended by the "administration"(Mayor's office).

But remember Mayor Suttle says he supports your 2nd Amendment rights.  Right?  uh . . .  right.

I did read this as coming from the Mayor's office, and I too believe that MAIG is behind it.  Too bad we have a puppet as Mayor. 


Well, it's not the most eloquent, but I've already contact my city councilman.

--- Quote ---Mr. Gernandt,

I think this resolution is horrible and request you vote against it.

There are some crimes that should be considered a felony for a 1st offense. This is not one of them. Doing nothing other than carrying a concealed weapon should not even be a crime, never mind a felony.

I'm sure you're aware that a knife with a blade longer that 3.5 inches is considered a weapon. And, that every person in a vehicle could be charged with a crime if a weapon is found in the vehicle.

Now, wouldn't you hate to lose all your rights because you went hunting with a buddy and he had a 3.6 inch skinning knife in his glovebox?

I've heard it before, and I'm sure I'll hear it again, that this resolution isn't for that situation. It's for all the gun violence that's occurring. If that's the case, then submit a resolution that targets (no pun intended) the gun violence. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Unintended Consequences".

I'm sure this resolution is being submitted to combat the ever increasing violence that's occurring in Omaha. But, honestly, that's an Omaha problem, not a Nebraska problem. I don't think the State should really concern itself with this.

I have no faith in Mayor Fahey and his ability to fix this issue. You, on the other hand, are a retired law enforcement officer. I'm sure you can come up with better ideas than the administration without infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens.

Just as an aside, does it seem to you like it's becoming more and more difficult to be a "law abiding" citizen when there are laws being put on the books every single day?

Anyway, I just wanted to give you my 2 cents and recommend that you vote against this resolution.



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