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Email reply from Sen. Ben Sasse

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Mods, didn't know where to put this, so please move as needed.

Very piss poor reply.  Said absolutely nothing.  Received 9 identical emails.  But then again, I did have high expectation of the new Senators ( I know my fault).  Still haven't heard back from Sen. Fischer (this year) and Ashford.


Thank you for your email.  I appreciate you taking the time to contact me. I greatly benefit from hearing the views of my fellow Nebraskans, and I appreciate hearing your opinions on this issue.


As a newly elected senator, I am working on a system that will allow me to respond to your comments quickly and effectively.  I know that I have been sent as a representative of the people, and will do what I can to ensure that your opinions are heard. Please know that I appreciate your correspondence, and I will certainly take your thoughts into consideration.


I am honored to serve the people of Nebraska.  Please do not hesitate to contact me again should you have any further questions or concerns.


Ben Sasse
United States Senator

what did you ask him?


--- Quote from: jFade on March 09, 2015, 09:38:01 AM ---what did you ask him?

--- End quote ---

Justin, Wrote to him on various topics.  Mostly 2A and the M855 fiasco, along with some Veteran's issues.

Sounds like a typical politician.


--- Quote from: Lmbass14 on March 09, 2015, 10:00:38 AM ---Justin, Wrote to him on various topics.  Mostly 2A and the M855 fiasco, along with some Veteran's issues.

--- End quote ---

I am really hoping that this attempted ammo ban really wakes some people up....I have had several friends & co-workers who are gun owners but not at all involved or worried about their rights ask me about it...when i explained it briefly they were fairly concerned.

Are you going to make it down to Lincoln on the 19th Bernie?


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