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Chambers would rather fight Police than ISIS

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Ernie Chambers is at it again.
My Senator Beau McCoy has called him out today at the Legislature, but nothing will come of it.
The teflon Cobra!!


Sounds like he has lost touch with reality, needs to be recalled!

I find it interesting that it took until today to get everyone riled up over this.  I was there on Friday when he said this.  Once there was National coverage, then everyone realizes what happened.  I know most folks don't watch the hearings, but senators and staffers listen and they had to have heard it. But, crickets.  Goes national and everyone is freaking out that Nebraska looks bad.

The loon went national.

Need recall petition!


--- Quote from: RLMoeller on March 25, 2015, 04:46:20 PM ---I find it interesting that it took until today to get everyone riled up over this.  I was there on Friday when he said this.  Once there was National coverage, then everyone realizes what happened.  I know most folks don't watch the hearings, but senators and staffers listen and they had to have heard it. But, crickets.  Goes national and everyone is freaking out that Nebraska looks bad.

--- End quote ---

Not Nebraska, just Omaha.


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