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Chambers would rather fight Police than ISIS

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--- Quote from: Dan W on March 26, 2015, 12:50:45 PM --- None of the reporters present at the hearing wrote about Chambers statement...until after it became national news when Deena Winters reported it in Nebraska 

They were too busy spreading the false narrative of gun owners proclivity for alcohol abuse, drunk driving, shooting people and just debauchery in general.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for pointing this out; it's good to know and it should be made known throughout the grass roots of patriots, because it's yet another example indicating that even local media are often part of the big lie machine called the liberal press.  It's an example of this strategy: newsworthiness is determined by the propaganda effect any information is likely to have; if it will promote liberalism it's newsworthy; if it will detract from liberalism it's not; degree of newsworthiness is directly proportional to propaganda effect.

Motto of the liberal press: ye shall know untruth, and it shall make you unfree.

It could be beneficial to have a centralized collection of stupid, threatening, condescending, and deceitful things Ernie has said; they could be called ernieisms.  The enemy of freedom uses the weapon of ridicule very effectively in its war on the Republic, and its ridicule is commonly based in distortions and lies.  Patriots should be using the same weapon, but in our case the ridicule is based in truth, because we have no need to distort what is said by Ernie Chambers and his ilk.  Liberal media might have more power than patriot media at this point but we are not without power, so we should use what we have to turn their weapon back on them.  I'd say it's perfectly fine to make jokes about the Chambers voter for example, being naïve, easily herded, un-and anti-American, and so stupid he defecates in his own dinner bowl and then brags about it.  Remember the old Pollock and Bohunk jokes?  Or blonde jokes?  Just put Ernie or the Chambers voter in instead.

This is a statement from one of my friends, I have heard this before but do not have any documentation to back it up.  Someone said they thought it comes from a World Herald story about the funeral etc. about Aug 17th/18th 1970 but I have not been able to find it on the web right now.

In 1970 Omaha Police were lured to an empty house with a false cry for help. A trap had been set with hIdden bombs and Officer Larry Minard was killed.
 On the day of Officer Minard's funeral, Ernie Chambers said it was a very sad day because eight or ten more officers weren't being buried.

But if a white legislator made a comment like that. Well you know.

  The story was just on the rush Limbaugh show, he made a few comments about it,

Eh, I'm not overly worked up about what he said. It's pretty easy to dismiss what a person says and take comments out of context when they actively oppose you and you want to remove them from office.


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