General Categories > General Firearm Discussion
Looking for a local AK builder/Armorer expert.
It is a Waffen Werks(US) receiver with a US Barrel.
Sounds like a junk barrel and I wouldn't mess with it. I'd say send it back and tell them you want a new rifle.
Mark B:
I have heard from a couple of owners that some WW receivers were both drilled inaccurately and formed with a slight twist. This will not cause the accuracy problems you are experiencing. Bolt rails have also been off which causes the bolt to run low on one side or the other, still this causes function problems not accuracy. I have installed barrels with both presses and bolts and I don't see how the barrel could be damaged in a way that would cause your problem. The front trunnion is merely the connection mechanism between the receiver and the barrel. Removing and installing barrels should never harm a trunnion. Its possible that the barrel was a 2 and the trunnion was a 1 causing a difficult install but still wouldn't affect accuracy. Like FarmerRick said the problem is probably with the barrel.
I talked to the local person that was recommended in Palmyra, Terry Edwards. He was very nice. He suggested trying to get the mfg to back it up because the only alternative is literally rebuilding the gun. DDI, Destructive Devices Industries, is handling all the warranty work for waffen werks. They are going to send another call tag for the rifle and test it at 100 yards. Something is definitely wrong. If I'm on target at 25 yards I should be pretty close at 100. At 100 it's shooting at least 12" to the left and all over the map. The barrel has a definite can't to the left exiting the receiver when I look down on to the top of the gun. So, it stands to reason, the farther this gun is asked to shoot the more to the left the shot will be. More concerning even still, is that there is no consistency at all when trying to determine where the gun is grouping. One thing for sure, I'm almost guaranteed a valuable learning experience here.
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