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Carry with a herniated disc

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So ... today at the breakfast meet & eat, I figured I'd try carrying again.

That didn't work out so well.

I've got a herniated L5 S1 (very low) disc towards the right side.  I'm right handed.  I currently carry via a crossbreed IWB that I *adore* (see other posts on me reforming kydex for it etc).

Anyway, that extra 3 pounds on that side of my hip just really smarts after a couple hours and I've still not recovered from the 3.5 hours of carry this morning.

I happen to carry a Sig P229 in 40s&w which is on the larger side (not quite as big as a GI 45acp, but is fater, carries 14 rounds, etc).

I'm looking for some suggestions.

* Position gun in the middle of the back ?
* Weak hand gun placement?
* Shoulder holster?
* Other?
I dunno if the 'middle of the back' would really work.  I'm in an office chair 6-10hrs a day.

Weak hand: is learning to draw with your weak hand really an "all the time normal" "thing" ?

Weak hand placement with cross draw: I am not a fan, but thoughts ? If this is a possibility, is anyone willing to give me a 5min "this is how to do it safely" ?

Shoulder holster: again, not a fan of the whole 'cross draw' scenario - but this seems like it might be the most friendly to my back.  I already wear hawaiian / flanel shirts all the time anyway so it can stay concealed.  Any thoughts on safety ?  Anyone willing to give me 5min of "dont do this you moron" ? :D  Also - any one got a preference on a rig ?

Other: I'll entertain and honestly consider other options. Surgery is not one of them.  Nor is pain killers.

edit: clarified carry duration this morning etc

Pocket carry?

When I don't IWB carry my SW Shield 9mm I pocket carry a Ruger LC9s-Pro...  Very comfortable.

"Other: I'll entertain and honestly consider other options. Surgery is not one of them.  Nor is pain killers."

My wife is using some ointment that is based on Bee venom for her foot, she says it works wonders.  I'll try and get you the name.

As for carry, given any thought to ankle?  Gonna have to get a mouse gun, but hey its a reson to go gun shopping and thats a good thing!


Never considered pocket / ankle / leg carry.  It would move the pressure off the spine, for sure. edit: assuming it's not tugging on the belt to pull that side of the hip down

It would be somewhat interesting to just open leg carry heh. 

As a joke: Gotta re-buy a 10ga side by side, get the tax stamp, cut it down to 6" and have that on my thigh :P  (yes, i was gonna do that with the one that got stolen).

Anyway - for the bee venom / foot thing - a topical treatment wouldn't do me much good.  I don't think.  It might, I dunno.  Basically - without the firearm I am fine throughout the day.  I gym every other day and have no problems doing 270lb x 10 x 6 leg presses and 20min of breast stroke swimming each session.

2 hours of carry ? Agony begins.


--- Quote from: unfy on April 04, 2015, 08:07:35 PM ---Never considered pocket / ankle / leg carry.
2 hours of carry ? Agony begins.

--- End quote ---

I can pocket carry the Ruger LC9s-Pro in front pocket with a Desantis Nemesis holster and almost forget I have it....very comfortable.


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