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Author Topic: Supreme Court to hear 2nd Amendment case  (Read 2635 times)

Offline Jay

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Re: Supreme Court to hear 2nd Amendment case
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2007, 03:58:28 PM »
Ok - after reading this through quickly, a few things stick out in my mind right off the bat. I will have to re read through this more thouroughly later.

1. "Washington banned handguns in 1976, saying it was designed to reduce violent crime in the nation's capital."
How has this worked out for them? See paragraph #3

2. "The City Council that adopted the ban said it was justified because ''handguns have no legitimate use in the purely urban environment of the District of Columbia.''
So their "urban environment" is free from crime? I bet the victims and/or their families (for those that can no longer speak) would have something to say about this.

3. "Opponents say the ban plainly has not worked because guns still are readily available, through legal and illegal means. Although the city's homicide rate has declined dramatically since peaking in the early 1990s, Washington still ranks among the nation's highest murder cities, with 169 killings in 2006."

4. "Rifles and shotguns are legal, if kept under lock or disassembled"
I'm sure this helps ???

So to summarize:
1976 D.C. banned handguns to reduce violent crime in the nation's capital.

1990's D.C.'s homicide rate peaked

2006 D.C.'s homicide is still rated among the highest.

Don't you think, D.C.,  it is time to look at the stats here and do something different?

Offline JimP

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Uselessness of Banning guns (or anything else, for that matter)
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 10:47:08 PM »
Somewhere on the intarwebz, there is a standing offer of $$$$$$ (I forget where or how much) for a study showing statistically reproducible evidence of the effectiveness of even ONE gun ban/restriction in reducing crime. With over 20,000 Fed, State and Local firearm regulations, you might think ONE of them would work...... But that is MR. Logic's territory, and Liberals live in a world constructed entirely of emotions and good intentions. It's not about the journey to hell in the rusty bucket, or even about the bucket. It's all about how they FEEL about it.........
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.