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Exclusive: Negotiating Rights Away-NRA's Cynical Secret "Deal With The Devil"

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I have felt for a long time that the NRA works to make sure they will always have an adversary. All anti 2A legislation has been passed on their watch. If a large percentage of their base were to suddenly leave, maybe they would pull their head out. Maybe all of our efforts would be better utilized behind SAF.


--- Quote from: Dan W on April 13, 2015, 06:29:14 PM ---I agree...allowing the redefinition of the "sporting purpose" language gives it more legitimacy rather than removing it as a qualifier as the Heller decision seems to support.

While it is possible that we could gain in some manner, these gains are at the whim of BATFE and IMHO are not a "regaining " of any right, but rather a reaffirmation that the 2nd Amendment violations supported by the "sporting purposes" language continue unchallenged, and with NRA approval.

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I agree that the "sporting purpose" language is an infringement.  However, that language is not new nor does this deal expand the limitations related to that language.  In fact, this deal would reduce the limitations. 

I think my biggest issue is with the quality of the "journalism" in the article.  The article title is sensational in nature and misleads the casual observer.

I respectfully request that the Board of Directors contact NRA directly and get a clarification instead of just running with what they have.  I think that the Board would get a response quicker than an individual member.


--- Quote from: sidearm1 on April 14, 2015, 05:20:28 PM ---I respectfully request that the Board of Directors contact NRA directly and get a clarification instead of just running with what they have.  I think that the Board would get a response quicker than an individual member.

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Sidearm, I wish that was the way things worked.  Even when the NRA was calling us an affiliate (something we never requested or applied for, but since we were accomplishing things they wanted to take credit) they would not communicate or share information.

A primer on why the 2A is not about hunting:


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