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Shooting at Big Shots ??

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NE Bull:
Well, there is a positive


--- Quote from: bullit on April 16, 2015, 11:11:22 AM ---As of now, NO suicide has occurred as the gun shot self inflictee is still among the living .....

--- End quote ---

Attempted suicide then. I have transported these unfortunate souls both to the ER and to long term rehab and care facilities. There is only one patient I can recall in my career that recovered fully (minus an eye). The others suffered quite severe brain trauma that resulted in permanent mental and physical disabilities. He would have had better luck using the already proven effective train tracks about a block away.

- Shawn

Indeed Shawn ... saw a couple similar "failures" while covering head and neck trauma at the ER at Camp Pendleton back in the '90s.  One unfortunate young man who survived his attempt did the common lean forward while reaching for the trigger on his SG only accomplishing blowing the bottom half of his face off.

I'll have to Hug a Range Officer the next time I'm at Big Shots.  What a terrible incident to have to manage.  And all their staff are top-shelf guys.   

Sorry, I know I should be more sypathetic to the deranged self-shooter, but it takes a real turd to do that to people around you. 

NE Bull:
I guess we shouldn't get too worked up until we know if it was intentional or a negligence sort of thing (ie the classic- it don't work, so I'm going to look down the barrel. - I've seen it TOO many times to rule it out. )


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