I have forgotten the golden rule of the NFOA.........................................................Buy Buy Buy and yes it has the heavy barrel with a taper to it. and since you guys have the like type rifles I'll sure it well be great. Now I have to wait until I get it, because I'm still waiting for my class 3 paperwork to go through Exeter Arms it's been about since september but like ALL good things take time, thats a good place to start on the load workup Glock 1 and I will try those getting the headspace round within those will be key.. the scope is a pentax 3-9-40 not a high end glass tube but it just looked so good I did not want to pass it up with the gift card and 20.00 coupon off put it at 650.00 at the time of sale.
LOL I was shoping for my son and now he'll have to settle for Socks, for x-max (electric ones) but I guess in the long run when I pass he will get the better end of my shopping experience and as in all thing my 2 kids will get all of'em 1-boy 1-girl and yes they are both shooters and hunters so I know they not end up in someones closet or getting sold to pass on to future grand kids (none yet) and I'm getting to that age where I feel that I would like to see some grand kids Ya Never Just Know When Your Called Home....
What I would have like better would have been at least a 24'' barrel but the shorter one may help get those last minute yotes that you see through the coner of you eye so the shot swing and not the long stick maybe just the tickets.
Thanks Glock 1,bkoenig, for your knowledge