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LEO not happy with me

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This happened a few days ago, but I'm still PO'ed enough I just need to vent.  I was stopped for speeding (57 mph in a 50 mph zone).  I knew I was and was willing to take my medicine.  When the officer - a county deputy - walked up to the truck, I immediately told him I was licensed to carry.  Without even getting into the speeding issue, he said "Why are you carrying a gun?  Are you expecting trouble"?, in a very smart ass tone.  I answered with a simple "No, sir" but his comment struck me so wrong that I turned bright red and could feel my my blood pressure zooming upward.  He obviously noticed my reaction and backed up a bit and asked me if I had a problem.  Again, a VERY polite "No, sir".

He took my license, etc. and went back to his car for a while, came back and immediately asked me what I was carrying (a Sig P245).  His reply: "Awful big gun to carry, isn't it?"  I did not reply at all this time; just kept my hands on the wheel.  He handed me back all my paperwork, gave me a warning (I thanked him), and it was all over. 

I'm a fat old man and certainly don't believe I pose much of a threat to anyone, but feel strongly in my right to legally carry and protect myself and mine.  He was in his mid-50's and for the life of me I do not understand why he obviously believed that no one should have a gun but him.  This was in rural area and certainly not unusual for guys to carry guns.

I very much support our law enforcement folks, but I sure don't like them having this kind of attitude.


"The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm.
'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol are you expecting trouble?'
'No ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle."
Sorry Author Unknown

Understand your reason for being pissed off at the Deputy. He must have not been to opposed to CCW or you would have received not only a Speeding Ticket but also a request to hold your firearm while your driver license went through the NICS check.

David Hineline:
You are upset because he stereotyped and made assumptions about you, and you did the exact thing about him.  If you review exactly what was said nothing bad or wrong was said but you both assumed you knew how to read between the lines of what the other said.

Without knowing either of you, I am assuming that you both have a chip on your shoulder, so now I am just as guilty.

I don't take the privilge of the ccw for granted by all accounts we are to be at best law abiding in ALL things while we are carring or not carring and knowing any and all stimiga to those who believe they are the only ones to perform protection for the people can jump to conclusions in and from both parties just look at the Ft. Hood ordeal the media exploits the whole gun issue and the current political party wants any and all things to prove that gun ownership is only required for the trained nationwide or armed forces. I can understand you need to vent but we must also see if from the point of those not envolved  your remark of just a f.. old man. It is amazing to have hindsight after the deed is done when we anylaze the matter by saying I would have never thought He/She was capiable of pulling the trigger. Anyone is capiable of evil given the right circiumstances and they justify it by one's selfish desires at the moment. I don't put myself above the thinking never me usually thats when I exploit someone else. And thanks to those who share the trials of their lives in everyday as we walk through this journey called life. Thanks for at least making us aware it is always important to obey the law in all things.

I did do some some checking and this deputy does indeed have a reputation for strongly believing that only law enforcement folks should have guns.  Fortunately (for now), he may not have his wish and God help us if he ever does.

I hope I did not in any way give the impression that I have a problem with LEOs.  I do not.  I know some cops very well and would not want their job.  What I do have a problem with is ANYONE that feels they have more of a right to defend themselves than I do.  This guy did.  He just happened to be a cop.

The question is, does the LEO while in an official capacity (such as stopping an old fat man for speeding) need to adhere to a different standard than your average citizen who believes the same way?


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