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Author Topic: Help them out...  (Read 1699 times)

Offline JTH

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Help them out...
« on: May 19, 2015, 10:53:37 AM »
...because they might be one of today's 10,000.


There are new people being turned on to the gun culture every day.  And they HAVEN'T read the caliber wars debates, they DON'T know why people trash on hi-points, and they really DO think that all police officers are amazing shooters who know all about firearms and tactics.  (They might even think that Pincus knows what he is talking about. :o )

They are new.  They don't know any better.

So when they ask a question, we kinda need to remember that what seems to be a really dumb question probably REALLY is just a question of ignorance.  And ignorance is fixable by simply adding information that becomes knowledge.  We all started somewhere (and that wasn't from a position of competence!) and we probably said things that we'd now think were stupid.  (Granted, some of us STILL say things that in retrospect, we realize were stupid.  Ah well, live and learn.)

We see a question that's already been asked 100 times in the last year---well, if you wrote a great answer last time, keep the link and just point them to it.  Don't just grumble "can't you do a forum search?"

After all, you might get to help out one of today's 10,000, and how cool is that?!
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Re: Help them out...
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 01:11:53 PM »
I agree whole heartedly.  Being one of the new-ish people I have a lot to learn and between stupid questions and tons of enthusiasm I am sure I have driven several of my more learned friends to dream of beating me with a long hard solid objects many times. I appreciate when someone takes the time to explain what that widget/acronym/concept is that I just heard.
Otherside of the coin, I am also working on NOT wanting to choke someone when they ask me a computer question that they should know because I feel it is basic knowledge. Mixing older parent and computers are a great way to learn how to handle this issue ("You clicked on what? AGAIN?!?")
However, for those times your best buddy pulls a bone-head and asks the question you know he knows the answer to or knows well enough how to Google it himself I give you LMGTFY.

The buddy who took the CCP class last year and every month asks you, "What’s the fee for a State of Nebraska handgun purchase permit?"
Just sent them this link: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=What%E2%80%99s+the+fee+for+a+State+of+Nebraska+handgun+purchase+permit%3F

He will laugh and is sure to remember the results.

Once again, great article and a great reminder to be patient with others when they ask a question to which I think they should know the answer.  Thanks for writing it.
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Offline RobertH

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Re: Help them out...
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 05:49:15 PM »
everyone was new once.  not everyone is as active in guns as we are, but we can do our part to help educate folks and/or take them shooting.  and i always name drop the NFOA when talking about guns, regardless who i am talking too.  and whenever i do a face-to-face transaction, i always throw in an NFOA pamphlet, business card and pen.
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Re: Help them out...
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 08:49:44 PM »
Yep.  Everybody starts at zero.  It's just a matter of how old & mature they are and how fast they pickup on stuff. 

I have taken many a newb (kids, women, guys) out shooting.  I get a little impatient with only a few questions from just a few people.  I just expect them to get it already, but there enthusiasm usually make me forget about any irritation quickly enough.