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Shooters and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Any Shooters Here Have Had CTS??

If so, howdja treat it?

Did it go away?

Or stay?

Did it affect your shooting, handgun or long gun?

Did it STOP your shooting entirely?

Please share your story:  When, if, and as you might wish.

New Guy to CTS:


I very well can't imagine!  That's gotta be horrible :(.

Given the industry I am in and CTS being an eventuality - I wouldn't mind hearing some thoughts as well.

I have had both wrists cut.

When I had the first one done, I planned it for about 3 months before deer season so I could still go out.

Shooting wasnt any problem ( on about 6 weeks rest/rehab ) field dressing on the other hand was miserable and I actually PAID to have that one, the ONLY one I have ever paid for, processed.

That was something like 20 years ago, and have had zero problems since.

I was only off work a total of 6 weeks, and only that long because I managed to break the stitches in one hand ( long stoooopid story ).

DO NOT just "let it go" it wont just go away, in fact if let go long enough, you will eventually lose the ability to grip with your thumb.

These days, as I understand it, its a much simplified procedure with a dramatically shorter healing period.


--- Quote ---I have had both wrists cut.
--- End quote ---

Really great that such action has worked out for you.  It's potentially a rather serious operation, since the main nerve to the three middle fingers runs through the carpal channel.  Cut that nerve in error, it's a Very Bad Day.

I tried cortisone shots Friday.  Almost immediate relief.  We'll see if it lasts.  Cortisone has worked very well for me in the past with right shoulder capsulitis; I respond to it well with no side effects.

If the cortisone works, Hoo-ray!   If not, I'll be looking at an endoscopic approach, which is minimally invasive and provides recovery very quickly.  A neighbor used that method and healed within two weeks, with excellent relief from CTS.

I've got 15 ice cream buckets of 9mm, .40S&W, and .357Sig reloads to shoot this year.   Not to mention bricks of .22lr and 1000s of 12ga trap loads.   And 2-3 buckets of .38SPCL.  Hard to shoot up if hands are locked up w/CTS.

Thanks for sharing.

Both of you (unfy/newfalguy101).


Given that my back responded very well to a steroid shot, I imagine some physical therapy and a shot will be in my future down the line eventually heh.  Well, since the shot worked for SFG at least heh.


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