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Shooters and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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The consensus of the guys is, that since you're having one hand done at a time, you'll probably be shooting left handed.
Hopefully I'll have my Citori back by the time you're 100%, then let the games begin.

Best Wishes.



Actually, an interesting point.

Elsewhere on this Forum I included a posting that described my left-handed, left-eyed pistol shooting.   It noted my pleasant surprise at how well the shooting actually went while incorporating this radical (for me) change.  (Interpretation:  Most of my shots actually hit somewhere on the paper.)

As we've discussed previously, I'm an advocate of mixing it up on the trap range during practice.   Shooting lefty would be one way to do it.   Maybe a small betting pool to add some spice.

BTW.........Ever notice how few are the left-handed shooters on the trap range?   I'm thinkin' that maybe many Natural Lefties shoot Righty at trap.



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