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Shooters and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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I have had cortisone shots ( 4 ) over the years, none for CTS though, and while they have always worked, eventually, I simply hate getting them.

The last one in my thumb ( after chasing the pain for a YEAR while baffling a "top specialist" ) hurt so bad for 3 days that I was beginning to wonder if they hit something, then viola' I woke up and the pain was gone..............that's been a couple of years ago.

As an IT person I am high risk for CTS.  When I started noticing issues with my hands and using a keyboard or mouse I went to my chiropractor and mentioned it to him.  He had me do some stretching exercises that brought a lot of relief and still do to this day.

Grab the tips of your fingers and GENTLY pull the hand back over the wrist until you fell the stretch begin in your wrists.  This will pull the muscles that are tightening and stretch them back out.
Followup with the reverse and flip your arm over and GENTLY pull the hand down until you feel the stretching on the top of the wrist.

Repeat as necessary.

Lotsa good CTS exercises on the Web, including the one described by Mali, which I've been using.

A "hand shake" is great.  Not shaking somebody's hand in the usual way, that is.   Instead, hang your hands down at your side, bend the elbows about 40 degrees, and shake the hands like you're shaking them dry.  When you get it just right, you can feel the blood pooling in your fingers.  It feels great.

Also--and I have no idea whatsoever why this one works--make a fist with your thumb inside instead of outside.  That is, bend your fingers over your thumb and hold it for 15-20 seconds.  Not too easy/not too hard:  Just right, like Momma Bear's porridge.  Then straighten out the fingers of the hand like you're gonna salute the Sergeant Major. 

Some exercises are called "nerve gliding", whatever that is.  Lots of them.  Try a wide variety and see what works for you.

And keep that wrist off the hard desktop surface when you use your mouse.  A soft gel pad under the forearm works nicely.   And take breaks.   And shake your hands every 20-25 minutes.

Oh, Yes:  Keep on Shooting.



Update on the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Situation - Definitely a Nemesis to Shooters.

Well, here's what DIDN'T work:   Non-Invasive Processes
>Wore the hand splints at night, as recommended by the physician/hand specialist.
>Tried the hand exercises on the Web that seemed intuitively reasonable.   Didn't work.   None of 'em, at least for very long.  Some gave a kind of immediate relief; however, it was only temporary.   But at least, they were tried.

Here's what DID work, but only very briefly:   Cortisone Injections
>Got the injections on a Friday morning @ 9:15.   By noon both hands felt like the same ol' ordinary, everyday working hands, as always.   Lasted until Monday morning.   Then back to Square One w/CTS.

So here's what's next:   Carpal Tunnel Surgery
>Next Tuesday, after Memorial Day holiday.   Right (worst) hand first.   The left hand about three weeks later.

Results will be posted here at appropriate times for any interested shooters to review.


Frankly, I am surprised they even tried Cortizone injections.  Those are nothing more than a temp ( at best ) fix to relieve inflammation.

Once they confirmed pressure on the nerve cluster, I am surprised they didn't recommend ( or maybe they did... ) surgery as, pretty much, the only actual way to relieve the pressure over the long haul, anyway.

Course, on the other hand, things have changed soo much since I had mine done nearly 20 years ago.........

 man writing that made me feel old!!!!   :'(


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