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Supplement / Vitamin Powder Storage


This is way off topic, and I know it.

Short story: volatile, relavitely minor volume (1-4 cups) powders.  A way to store them to make easy measuring via spoons yet protected from light, moisture, air.  Came in some opaque resealable bags, but they're a bit of a pain to use.  Ideas ?

Longer story:

Anyway - over the past few years, I've been working on getting a bit healthier and taking a bit better care of myself.

In doing so, I've started taking a fair amount of supplements.  Stuff for my back, generic stuff that's wise for someone actively busting booty at the gym, etc.  I've also managed to quit smoking.  I traded a $4-$7 pack a day smoke habit for a $3-$7 a day supplement habit heh.

In an effort to make things cheaper, I've gone about buying a stealth tactical gel capsule reloading machine (er, jig).  Ok, maybe not reloading (ewwww)... but yeah.  It's made buying some powders in bulk and making my own capsules/pills relatively inexpensive and not too much of a pain in the toosh to do.

Next up on my list was figuring out a tailored-to-me and yet inexpensive pre-workout drink for gym days.  I've got a half dozen different bulk powders that I mix together.  So far I'm real happy with my results.  The problem is dealing with the powders!

They came in some thick opaque resealable bags.  That makes them highly functional and keeps them protected - but can make trying to get your fist in the bag with a measuring spoon a bit annoying.  I'd love to find / make some kind of replacement container for the powders that:

* Keeps moisture out
* Keeps sunlight out
* Limits air exposure
* Makes grabbing a scoop not such a PITA
Some thoughts: a small wide mouth glass jar, painted or surround in foil, etc - with a plastic bag inside (kinda like a cereal box where ya keep rolling up the bag as you use it). 

We're not talking too much powder.  Maybe a fist or two's worth, etc. 

Any ideas ?

I'd like to avoid using an old empty 1 lb bottle of IMR, btw hehe.

pour powder in here.


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