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3/4 ton pickup trailer weight?

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on the fritz:
I have a 3/4 mid 80's Chevy pickup that was turned into a trailer.  It also has a lightweight aluminum topper on it and a full size metal toolbox that would typically sit across the box behind the cab. 

I don't have any clue or way to tell how much it weighs.  Can anybody give me a ballpark weight of the trailer?  6 1/2 foot tongue of frame rails. 

Or even better,... does anybody have portable scales to help satiate my question?


I would go to a truck stop or a grain elevator and weigh it. 

John K


--- Quote from: JAK on May 04, 2015, 05:32:26 AM ---I would go to a truck stop or a grain elevator and weigh it. 

John K

--- End quote ---


Dan W:
General Excavating has a scale they will let you use, may be a slight fee

on the fritz:
Thanks for the suggestions guys.  I was looking for some place in Lincoln I could use.  I didn't even think about GE. 

Someone at work suggested Outdoor Solutions.  They are closer to me and I may give them a call. 

Would the State Patrol or county Sheriff let civilians get a weight for a non offense?


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