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3/4 ton pickup trailer weight?

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Kinda curious, why you are concerned about how much it weighs?  You pulling it with a small-ish car?

on the fritz:
Mostly just curious, but I pull it with an Explorer.  Eddie Bauer, 4.6L. 

Am also tentatively looking at selling.  Just more info to add to it. 


--- Quote from: on the fritz on May 04, 2015, 10:00:35 PM ---Mostly just curious, but I pull it with an Explorer.  Eddie Bauer, 4.6L. 

Am also tentatively looking at selling.  Just more info to add to it.

--- End quote ---

Gotcha.  I'd guess it's right around 700-800 pounds.

In Lincoln I think either of the truck stops on the north end of town have scales. Tell them what you need and they should work with you on it. Weigh the whole truck and trailer and then drop the trailer in an appropriate place (where they tell you to) and then weigh just the tow vehicle. The difference between the two will be the trailer weight.

on the fritz:
Outdoor Solutions near 14th & Saltillo Rd said to stop by after hours and I could use their scale. 

Got it taken care of.  Thanks for all of the suggestions.  I just don't live near a grain elevator any more.  :)


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