General Categories > Survival/Emergency Preparedness

Preparing for the Apocalypse - a Biblical Perspective

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For those who attempt to maintain a Biblical approach to life.  (Anyone who doesn't attempt to do so can easily enough move on to the next thread  ;))

Interesting analysis of the "prepper" trend. At what point does prudent preparation cross the line to sinful narcissism that simply feeds a Nietzschesque "will to power" emotion rather than a Christian attitude?

Not a lot of Biblical citations (I think I counted a total of three) for a supposed Biblical treatise on "Doomsday Preppers." 

With that said, I agree that ANY obsession that detracts from one's relationship with Christ or heavenly purpose here on earth is a sinful obsession ... an idol.  The premise that those who prepare for difficult times are obsessed is, however, flawed.  Flawed premises are fairly common when you lump people into groups and make assumptions about them.

At an individual level, obsessing about doomsday preparations is no different than obsessing about food or video games or guns or ... anything else that gets between you and God.

If you truly believe in God, then you truly believe in heaven. So what would you be prepping for?

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--- Quote from: thunt on May 13, 2015, 08:26:36 PM ---If you truly believe in God, then you truly believe in heaven. So what would you be prepping for?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---

  well I havnt exactly been a good boy,


--- Quote ---  well I havnt exactly been a good boy,
--- End quote ---

Very, very interesting.

You are invited to tell us more.   Maybe even open a new topic thread if more room is needed.

Don't worry about shocking the Forum members.   As soon as you tell us something, no matter how wild it might be, someone else will naturally jump right in and do their best to top your story.   That's the way guys are..........

Now..........just go right on ahead with your story.

And--What's Told on the Forum Stays on the Forum.

sfgBTW:  I have nothing of real interest to anyone to tell here.


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