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Anyone else disgusted with this legislature?

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There I was on election night watching the results roll appeared that the winds were changing.  Between term limits & victories it looked like we had a decent incoming Legislature.  The NFOA Political Action Fund had a large percentage of endorsed candidates win & directly assisted 2 Senators in victory, one by the narrowest of margins.  The makeup of the judiciary committee looked vastly improved with the departure of Lathrop & Ashford as well as the addition of Laura Ebke.  The session also seemed to start off reasonable with a plethora of pro firearm bills & no major ones that the NFOA opposed.

Now with only a few days left in the session, what has been accomplished?   We were Successfull at getting LB-289 out of the Judiciary committee to be heard early next year.  We also accomplished a lot of leg work behind the scenes building relationships & building towards future legislation..

What bothers me more than the lack of progress of the 2nd amendment related bills, is what the legislature not only spends time on, but some of the bills that they have been passing just blow my mind!   I am fairly unhappy with our new legislature to put it nicely...    I will give them credit, they have found a way to work together for the greater good of Progressive Nebraska!   Between voting to repeal the death penalty, eliminating mandatory minimum sentences, giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses, & raising the fuel tax, I would say that the average conservative Nebraskan is highly under represented..

Ok....just had to vent.

this legislature is really hard to figure out.  i wonder what kind of back door deals went on to get this done.

Dan W:
 Jfade pretty well sums up my disgust


on the fritz:
(sigh...). Yeah, I can not disagree with anything here...... 

Now if they would just pass a law that requires them to repeal 3 old statutes for each new one, that would be a beautiful thing.


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