Obama and his ilk will disarm and downgrade the arms of the good guys to the greatest extent they can. This latest edict is small and doesn't seem like a big deal, but big things often come in baby steps. When you look at other things, like leaders of the liberal cult calling for greater federal power over the police, you have to wonder if at some point these steps will all make sense, like chess pieces having been moved into position. Or maybe it's just what one would expect from a president who has no respect for American law, and who sees criminals as victims of it.
When Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, the corrupt government disarmed the good guys and then stood by and did nothing while mobs robbed and murdered them. There's a good explanation of this in the book Death by Gun Control, by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. I have no doubt Obama and many of his followers would love to do something like that in America. But they lack the power. Some of the recent riots we've seen are mild versions of that though. And there might be more of them.