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Author Topic: And some Good news  (Read 873 times)

Offline sh68137

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And some Good news
« on: June 03, 2015, 08:09:54 AM »

The House late Tuesday night gave voice vote approval to a proposal allowing people to petition the federal government to restore their right to obtain firearms.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) offered an amendment to the annual spending bill for the Justice Department to ensure that people who are prohibited from buying guns can apply for a restoration status.

Current law allows people who cannot legally buy guns to petition their local district court. But legislative riders in place since 1992 prevent the Justice Department from processing the applications.
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Offline DR4NRA

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Re: And some Good news
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2015, 12:31:35 PM »
What's the point here. Doesn't  matter if the Feds give it back, as state law 28-1206 makes it clear, felon =no guns. The Feds could say yes, but the state will jail you regardless unless you have been pardoned.

Offline Mntnman

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Re: And some Good news
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2015, 12:03:13 PM »
I think the point is once you have satisfied your debt, you should have your Natural rights restored. If you are still a threat to society , you should not be in public. It is not a good idea to have your protection of the Constitution weakened for the false sense of security.

Offline DR4NRA

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Re: And some Good news
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2015, 04:16:55 PM »
In actuality the GCA 0f 1992/ Brady Bill of which the OP brought up gave the states Primacy in how to handle the implementation of said act, and took away the ATF discretion to give said exemptions. You had a choice of NICS/handgun Card or some other form of background check to be able to legally purchase a handgun. In Nebraska it has now been morphed into a firearms purchase/ CHP permit. 

The Nebraska Board of Pardons was created through Article IV, Section 13 of the Nebraska Constitution and is comprised of the Governor, the Secretary of State and the Attorney General. The Board’s constitutional powers cannot be limited or modified by any act of the legislature or the Nebraska Courts.

Any decision by the Board will be by majority vote. The Board may, after a pardon has been granted for a felony offense, empower the Governor to expressly authorize the applicant to receive, possess or transport in commerce, a firearm.

A pardon restores civil rights lost due to a felony conviction. These rights include, but are not limited to:
•The right to vote
•The right to be a juror
•The right to hold public office
•The right to bear arms
•The right of admission to professional schools
•The right to take Civil Service Examination
•The right to serve in the military
•The right to be issued a passport
•The right to hold certain licenses (Liquor and Public Health and Welfare Licenses)
•The right to hold certain licenses (Liquor, Public Health, and Welfare Licenses) •i.e. teacher, attorney, doctor/nurse, beautician/barber, private investigator, law enforcement, etc.

•The right to government grants, loans, contracts, public housing, and educational funding

 And WOW someone actually thinks that the Federal government is going to protect the Constitution and is actually asking the FEDS to come in here and pass/nullify laws concerning firearms.