General Categories > Survival/Emergency Preparedness

Our new Survival/Emergency Preparedness Forum

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First, I would like to thank Dan for creating this forum.  I think that we can share a wealth of information here.

I have been slowly trying to gather more "preps" over the last few years.  During my studies of the subject, I discovered the survival forum on ARFCOM:  I think it is one of the best survival forums on the net and suggest you check it out. 

My hope is that this forum will help the members of the NFOA to get more prepared for any emergency that may come your way.

Here is some general information that I have "borrowed" from their FAQ to help get us started.

Common Acronyms:
SHTF - Sh*t Hits The Fan
TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It
BO - Bugging-Out/Bug-Out
BOL - Bug out location
BI - Bugging-In/Bug-In
BIL - Bug in location
BOB - Bug Out Bag
BOV - Bug Out Vehicle
NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
BDU - Battle Dress Uniform
CQB - Close Quarters Battle
EMP - Electro-magnetic Pulse. What nukes give off that kills electronics.
MRE - Meal Ready to Eat.
MZBs - Mutant Zombie Bikers. These are the guys who are going to be after you in extended SHTF. They might or might not be teamed up with the gangs of escaped convicts.

Rule of Threes:

can't live more than 3 minutes without air
can't go more than 3 hours without shelter
can't go more than 3 days without water
can't go more than 3 weeks without food
can't go more than 3 months without hope


Have a backup of your backup for important items. Meaning, have 3 different sources for one idea.

Water purifying - 1)boiling, 2) water filter, 3)water tablets.
Fire - 1)matches 2)Bic lighter 3)fire-steel
Shelter -1)Poncho 2)tent 3)improvised using nature


Some important areas to consider:

Water (both stores and procurement)
Food (both stores and procurement)
Heating and cooking
Power generation


A good starting list for your vehicle:

jumper cables
folding shovel
duct tape
bailing wire
spare belt or belts
tool kit
spare vehicle fluids
fire extinguisher
road flares
2 cans of Fix-a-Flat


Due to any number of emergencies, you may be forced to leave the area quickly to ensure your safety. This means leaving your place of residence for someplace safer, possibly for a long time. Some or all of your plan may involve "bugging back home" if you already live at a good bug-out location, or work far from home and need to get back before you bug-out.

It is important to have a bug-out destination picked out ahead of time whether it be with friends or family, or to property you own out in the country. Running into the hills to live off the land is terribly difficult and should be avoided if at all possible.


A BOB is a "Swiss army knife" of a pack that will help you through just about any crisis. It contains gear to keep you alive, and in many cases keep you comfortable too. The common theme for the BOB is for traveling/stranded in a crisis, but each person has their own spin on it. Some members here have only a vest or very small pack to help them get home from work or deal with emergencies. Others have large packs tailored to leaving town and traveling long distances. Most carry at least some form of a BOB in their vehicle.

Some categories your BOB should cover:

1.Water (Can't live without it)
2.Navigation (Knowing where you are and were)
3.Weapon (Defense/Hunt for food)
4.Food (You need this for energy)
5.Fire (warmth, cooking, water purification)
6.Shelter (Protection from elements, including clothing!)
7.Medical (Addressing/ protecting minor wounds)
8.Signal (To signal/ summon help)
9.Communications (AM/FM/SW receiver at least)
10.Tools (knife, flashlight, multi-tool, paracord, etc.)

Zombies !!!!!

Which is better for shooting them ?? 12ga pump shotty or a Short barrel AR

Seriously I think this is a good topic and I think many people take Emergency Preparedness for granite and rely on 911 or others when SHTF

Preparation not only helps ourselves and our loved ones but takes us off the roles of those who will be seeking help from others.

Here is a link to one persons lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina, he understands the need to take care of yourself.  Good advice on everything from what to have in your bug out bag to where do you go and what do you need to do once you get there.

Dan W:
Uh...everybody know that zombies require      HEADSHOTS!


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