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Here's a pretty good family friendly book on getting prepared:  "Just in Case: How To Be Self-Sufficient When The Unexpected Happens " by Kathy Harrison

This review sums the book up nicely:

"This book is excellent! It is the first realistic book on preparedness I've come across for anyone with children, or anyone who doesn't necessarily relish the idea of taking to the woods to live primitively at the first whiff of trouble. Instead of impractical, expensive ideas like stocking a bunker full of MRE's - often recommended by others but completely unaffordable if you have a large family, and what kid would eat that stuff anyway? - she shows how to stock up an abundance of food that your children will actually eat without busting your bank balance to $0. I have an entire section of my home library devoted to living off the land & preparedness-type books, but I find myself turning to "Just In Case" more and more as I take practical steps to prepare my family for whatever may come. I would recommend this book for anyone, but it's particularly helpful for moms or dads trying to plan for the future while still having to pay the bills in the present."

nice! good info on the katrina link and the book. Going to dive in deeper.

The book "Nuclear War Survival Skills" by Cresson H. Kearny is a great resource.  Another great resource is The American Civil Defense Association

Dan W:
When I was a kid in grade school, we practiced hiding under our desks in case of nuclear attack...

Too bad we don't take nuke, EMP, NBC, attacks seriously today.


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