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Chambered rumor

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--- Quote from: Burkdoggy on June 26, 2015, 09:37:01 AM ---So,  let's say you couldn't have a round chambered; by default, a person carrying a revolver would have to carry a completely unloaded weapon. 

Seems reasonable.
--- End quote ---

It would also mean that no one named Chambers could legally load a gun, because any round loaded by a person named Chambers could be said to have been chambered (just as our economy can be said to have been obamad, and might later be clintoned).  In the case of Ernie a chambered round would suggest that the rounds had been loaded in backwards (and for you gun experts out there in the clique I just found out about, I submit that he could find a way to do it), so maybe in this sense a chambered round would be a bad thing, and maybe that's why they outlawed it, since our legislature knows Ernie better than anyone.

Now I see why a chambered round would be a very bad idea. 


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