General Categories > Carry Issues

Converting the Non-Believer:

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Actually both issue played into the decision, as well as some public pressure.  They had been ignoring public pressure to change the rule for several years, unfortunately our side does not do a great job of applying pressure possibly because we agree they have a right to disagree with us and respect others having a different viewpoint. but at the time they were preparing to open a store in Texas and the discussion that brings about on store policies ect. there was an incident with an armed robber here in Omaha if I remember correctly.  At that point some of the things that those on our side of the isle had been saying started to make sense, and their Chief of Security supported the position (I believe a consultant from Law Enforcement did as well) of allowing lawfully carried firearms into the stores.

This really is a culmination of several factors, public pressure, review of policies due to operating in a new market, an incident that caused concern and someone being in the right position to support our side when it was needed.  Sometimes it take a perfect storm to make changes happen.

The policy change was more broad than just allowing customers with permits and security staff to carry.

Here's a link to a story that ran on Kansas City news in early 2013:

This policy was enacted before the Texas location was opened.


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